16 November 2019

It was a very exciting day for all our little readers as Santa Clause made a special visit for all our hard working young little readers.

The Sifunda Kunye community reading club assists young readers every Saturday to improve their reading skills and to create a safe, friendly, fun learning environment.

The club focuses to introduce reading in a fun way, through song, dance, group and individual reading sessions.

The club is run by Sifunda Kunye Facilitator Sanga Mabula and assisted by Sifunda Kunye facilitators (Volunteers) from grade 11. The facilitators program for grade 11 is a great way and opportunity for our future leaders to give back and pay it forward.

2019 was over all a very successful year with an average of 100 little readers  attending our Saturday Reading clubs.

On the 16th of November 2019 after our end year Santa Clause visit our well deserving facilitators enjoyed a BBQ with facilitators from Sifunda Kunye partner schools Toise SSS and Xolani Senior Secondary School.

Our school is grateful to Sifunda Kunye Educational project for running and sponsoring this club.

We are looking forward to this literacy club opening early in 2020.

Santa Claus visit to Sifunda Kunye Literacy Center.

Sifunda Kunye Reading Club Facilitators 2019.

Facilitators end year function 2019.