By: Mqikela Baphelele

The fun run was a success, everything was perfect. The winners received medals which really motivated all the participants.

During the heritage celebrations, everyone was happy. This made me proud of my culture, especially when the Chulu traditional group took the stage. They drew a picture to everyone about how funny it used to be in the olden days.

Mrs. Shweni also told us more about traditional clothes and what they symbolise/mean.

There were traditional foods such as Umfino, Umxhaxha and Irhewu. From my observation, most meals are made from mealies, which means that back in the olden days people lived by farming and making their own food. This made me to see how easy life was in olden days compared to now.

After this day I learnt that it’s important to know your roots, identity and to be proud of your culture.

After the celebrations, we played games, obviously to enjoy your childhood you have to play as a result that every learner took part happily.